

Cataract is a condition in which the natural clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy and reduces the amount of light entering the eye, causing blurred vision. It is the commonest cause of blindness in the world.

Lang Eye Centre - Cataract
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Cause of Cataract

Cataract is most commonly caused by the natural ageing process. It often occurs in the elderly and is believed to be related to ultraviolet light exposure. Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, long term use of certain medication, severe injury or chronic inflammation can also increase the risk of developing cataracts. Occasionally, it may also occur in the young.


Symptoms of Cataract

  • The commonest symptom of cataract is a gradual, progressive blurring of vision that cannot be corrected despite wearing spectacles.
  • Foggy, cloudy or hazy vision with both distant vision and near vision and things appear less bright.
  • Difficulty driving at night due to bright head lights.
  • Trouble with glare from lamps or the sun.
  • Double vision.
  • Reduced perception of colours.
  • A continued change in spectacle power may signify the progression of the cataract.


Cataracts progress very gradually. Some with cataracts are unaware of their condition as the change in vision may not be obvious to them. If you are 45 years old and above, schedule a cataract screening to pick up cataracts timely and determine the best possible treatment option.

Lang Eye Centre - Cataract Screening Test